Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Hat This Morning

Last night after dinner with my husband's parents, I was reminded that Seth and I are going to the first birthday party of one of many Miami cousins on that side of the family. I hadn't given any thought to a gift, but decided to whip up a hat for the little guy. I did most of it this morning, and I am pretty happy with the end result. It looked very cute on Seth, though he wouldn't keep it on long enough for me to get a picture for you. Maybe I'll get one of the birthday boy in it this Saturday.

My next project is a mesh bag. The idea, in the most basic sense, is from the last one I made, from this great pattern, but I am changing it dramatically. At some point I may post my pattern here, but for now I am tweaking and experimenting and will offer them for sale in my Etsy shop and probably some craft fairs (which I do hope to get involved with in the next year or so!)
Here is a photo of the work in progress:

Because I can never just focus on one project at once, I am already daydreaming about my next one, which I will be inventing from scratch. I want to make a small purse, sort of a satchel I guess, with a long strap that can be worn across the body or over one shoulder. It will button closed and I have this beautiful yarn to use for it:

I also need to get working on more jewelry to list on Etsy when I open again. I have ideas, but since we moved I haven't taken down my beading supplies because I'm not quite sure how I'll contin them when I do. I used to work on the floor when Seth just layed in one place and played with his hands (i.e. the good old days). Now that I have a crawler who puts everything in his mouth I need to make sure both the beads and the baby will be safe from one another. But I will get there...

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